Improving Premium Domain Names Registration for .PS Domain Cctld Basing on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Techniques
Country code top-level domain represents the identity of its own country. About ten million Palestinians spread in the world belong or affiliate to the domain name (.PS), for which it represents their identity although they do not have their own state. In addition, the (.PS) represents Palestinians history, culture, and lifestyle as well as to the Palestine homeland issue on the cyber and internet space. Domain names are valuable in today's e-commerce and are considered one of the potential intellectual capital assets worldwide. However, Premium Domain Names (PDN) is generic single keywords that are high value, memorable and easily marketable; its cost can be significantly more than a typical domain purchase due to its perceived higher value. In this paper, the research is based on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Techniques to discover the most attention regions in the world that register .PS domains in order to manage acquisition knowledge, which will benefit in providing marketing plans, identify stakeholders and target customers. Two phases were performed to achieve the required work plan: Data Mining (the knowledge discovery) phase and Knowledge Management (sharing and planning). The techniques in both phases were chosen to give the best accuracy and particularity of the involved target audience in the study. The results show that what we suggested could be efficiently used to recognize patterns in such data set behavior to generate new marketing strategies and plans.
DNS, Data Mining, DNS Mining, Classification, Knowledge Discovery, Domain Name Marketing.