Comparison and Optimization of ozone – Based Advanced Oxidation Processes in The Treatment of Stabilized Landfill Leachate

Salem S. Abu Amr, Hamidi Abdul Aziz1, Mohammed J.K. Bashir, Shuokr QARANI Aziz, Tamer M. Alslaibi


-Leachate pollution is one of the main problems in landfilling. Among the most problematic parameters in stabilized leachate are COD, ammonia, and color. The treatment technology that can be used may differ based on the type of leachate produced. Even after treatment, the effluent characteristics are always hard to comply with the discharge standard. Ozonation is one of the chemical processes that can be used in the treatment of landfill leachate. However, its performance when use alone is low; its effectiveness can be improved using advanced oxidants. To date, application of Fenton and persulfate reagents separately to improve ozonation process in one ozone reactor was not well established. The study aimed to evaluate and compare the performance of the three treatment processes, namely ozone, ozone/Fenton and ozone/persulfate in treating stabilized leachate separately at different experimental conditions. The performance of the three methods in the treating stabilized leachate was compared. According to the results, the performance of ozone alone was poor, and utilizing new advanced oxidation material during ozonation of such leachate was required to improve leachate treatability. Ozone/Fenton process is a viable choice for degrading and decolourizing stabilized leachate. Furthermore, ozone/persulfate process has higher performance in ammonia removal as well as it has good removal efficiency of COD and color from stabilized leachate. Suitable data for establishing fully stabilized leachate treatment plant using ozone/Fenton and ozone/persulfate was suggested. The final effluent of ozone/Fenton process complied with the discharge standard for COD and colour.


Advanced oxidation process, Ozonation, Fenton, Persulfate, treatment efficiency

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