Design Optimization of Semi-Rigidly Connected Steel Frames Using Harmony Search Algorithm
In this paper, a design optimization algorithm is presented for non-linear steel frames with semi-rigid beamcolumnconnections using harmony search algorithm. The design algorithm obtains the minimum steel weight by selecting from a standard set of steel sections. Strength constraints of American Institute of Steel Construction - Load and Resistance Factor Design (AISC-LRFD) specification, displacement, deflection, size constraint and lateral torsional bulking are imposed on frames. Harmony search (HS) is a recently developed meta-heuristic search algorithm which is based on the analogy between the natural musical performance and searching the solutions to optimization problems. The HS algorithm accounts for the effect of connections’ flexibility and the geometric non-linearity of the members. The Frye–Morris polynomial model is used for modeling semi-rigid connections. Two design examples with extended end plate without column stiffeners are presented to demonstrate the application and validity of the algorithm.
Optimum design; Harmony search algorithm, Genetic algorithm, Semi-rigid connections; Frye and Morris model.