IUG Journal of Natural Studies (IUGNS) is an open access journal. IUGNS is administered by The Deanship of Research and Graduate Studies at the Islamic University of Gaza. IUGNS is online free access and indexing in a large number of bibliographic databases. IUGNS embraces the impact and progression of research. IUGNS is a worldwide multidisciplinary, a semi-annual published, international, scientific research journal e-published, focusing on theories, experimental, methods and applications in natural science, basic science or fundamental science, formal science and applied science, in addition, their related topics. IUGNS is committed to the development of innovative open science principles, featuring open and transparent peer review and decision-making processes. IUGNS publishes peer reviewed scientific and technical papers/articles.
IUGNS is, cordially, inviting authors to submit their manuscript to IUGNS, which will be published without delay. Authors have to follow the style of IUGNS. All submitted manuscripts are subjected to both review and editing, which should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical. Manuscripts submitted to IUGNS should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The submitted manuscript will be reviewed by most prominent experts in the respective field. A report containing the reviewer comments, editor decisions and authors responses are linked to each published paper/article.
Submission Guidelines for Islamic University Journal for Natural
Vol 31, No 2 (2023)
Table of Contents
said Al ghora, Saadiah Suliman, Emad Shaqoura, Doaa Abushammala, Sharifah Ismail
Faten Said Abu-Shoga
Mohammed M Laqqan, Saddam S Al-Dakhakhni, Fatma M Abo Ward, Abdel Fattah N Abd Rabou
anhar A. farajallah, Areefa SM. Alkasseh