Hearing and Sight in Quranic and Theology Studies A critical study in the Theory of knowledge

عبد الحميد راجح كردي


This research addresses an important issue in the knowledge field, which is its ways. It has tackled one way; the senses. , The sense of hearing and the sense of sight are addressed because they go together in many of the texts of the Qur'an. The research addressed the issue of mentioning hearing prior to sight in many texts, and what make scholars believe that hearing is better than sight, contrary to what theology scholars believe It appears clearly when the research tackles the question of senses and its relationship with mind and the relationship of both senses and mind with knowledge comprehension The research reached to the reason behind mentioning hearing prior to sight and to understand the nature of hearing and sight in the knowledge filed as they are one of itstools.


Holy Quran, Speech science, knowledge theory, Senses, hearing, sight.

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