من قضايا أسماء سور القرآن الكريم - دراسة لغوية وصفية
الملخص : ينشغل بحثنا بدرس أسماء سور القرآن الكريم ، ويمهد لذلك بالوقوف على ظاهرة العنونة في التراث العربي عبر القرون ، ومن ثم يشرع في تناول جملة من القضايا المتصلة بموضوع البحث، كتعدد أسماء السور ، وتوقيفها، واصطلاحها ، وأسباب تسميتها ، وإعرابها وبنائها ، ثم ينتهي إلى النتائج التي أفرزها البحث.
Abstract : Our research concentrates on studying the name of chapters ( Suras ) in the holy Qur'an for the purpose , it deals with the process of giving titles in the Arab heritage over centuries.consequently, it proceeds in discussing a group of issue which are connected with the topic of the research these include the various names of chapters ( Suras ), their unchanged ability, their originality, their parsing and their non-vocalization. Finally, the research comes to the findings which were concluded by the researcher.
Abstract : Our research concentrates on studying the name of chapters ( Suras ) in the holy Qur'an for the purpose , it deals with the process of giving titles in the Arab heritage over centuries.consequently, it proceeds in discussing a group of issue which are connected with the topic of the research these include the various names of chapters ( Suras ), their unchanged ability, their originality, their parsing and their non-vocalization. Finally, the research comes to the findings which were concluded by the researcher.
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