The Effect of Using PQ4R Instructional Strategy on Enhancing Jordanian Tenth Graders’ Reading Fluency

Mohammmad Ahmad Aljboor


The study explored the effect of PQ4R instructional strategy on reading fluency. The sample consisted of (107) students from four tenth-grade classroom sections in four schools in North West Badia Directorate of Education. The sample distributed into two groups: Experimental group consisted of two sections (one male and one of female), and control group consisted of two tenth grade sections (one male and one female). The study used a quasi-experimental design, by using PQ4R instructional strategy to teach the experimental group and the conventional methods to teach the control group. The instrument was a pre-post reading fluency test developed by the researcher based on reviewing previous literature. The results revealed statistically significant differences in the mean scores of the experimental group and the control group in favor of the experimental group. It found statistically significant differences in the mean scores of the students' in the two sub-skills of reading fluency due to gender, in favour of females, and no statistically significant differences in the interaction between groups and gender. The results showed significant improvements of the experimental group in the two sub-skills of reading fluency (speed, accuracy), which could be attributed to employing PQ4R instructional strategy.

الكلمات المفتاحية

PQ4R Instructional Strategy, Reading Fluency, Reading Speed, Reading Accuracy.

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