مفهوم جَوْدة التّعليم من منظور إسلاميّ - دراسة في المصطلح والمضامين عند ابن خلدون [ت 808هـ]
الملخص : ينطلق هذا البحث من قراءة استكشافية لمفهوم جودة التعليم، ومضامينها عند ابن خلدون؛ إذ قام الباحثان بتأصيل مفهوم الجو دة من منظورٍ إسلاميٍّ؛ رغبةً في استجلاء حقيقة هذا المفهوم عند القدماء، ومقابلته بأدبيات الجودة في الدراسات الغربية المعاصرة؛ كما تناول ابن خلدون مفهوم جودة التعليم في مقدمته في أكثر من عشرين فصلاً؛ مستنداً إلى فلسفةٍ تربويّة وتعليمية ومنهجية في صياغة مشروع متكامل عن الجودة بأبعادها المختلفة. وقد انتهى الباحثان إلى قناعة معرفيّةٍ مُفادها: أن ابن خلدون أسّس لمفهوم جودة التعليم من منظور حضاريٍّ يكشف عن عمق رؤيته وأصالة ممارسته لفنِّ التّعليم؛ وبهذا الاعتبار يُعدُّ مؤسِّساً لمفهوم جودة التّعليم في التّراث العربيّ الإسلاميّ.
Abstract : This search sets out to read the exploration of the concept of quality of education, and their contents of Ibn Khaldun. The researchers originalized the concept of quality from an Islamic perspective desiring to clarify the truth of this concept of the ancients and comparing it with the ethics of quality of Western contemporary studies. Ibn Khaldun also addressed the concept of education quality in his Introduction in more than twenty chapters based on the philosophy of educational methodology in the formulation of an integrated project for quality with its various dimensions . The researchers concluded that Ibn Khaldun established the concept of the quality of education from a civilized perspective that reveals the depth of vision and originality of his practice of education art. In this regard, he is considered the founder of the concept of the quality of education in the Arab and Islamic heritage.
Abstract : This search sets out to read the exploration of the concept of quality of education, and their contents of Ibn Khaldun. The researchers originalized the concept of quality from an Islamic perspective desiring to clarify the truth of this concept of the ancients and comparing it with the ethics of quality of Western contemporary studies. Ibn Khaldun also addressed the concept of education quality in his Introduction in more than twenty chapters based on the philosophy of educational methodology in the formulation of an integrated project for quality with its various dimensions . The researchers concluded that Ibn Khaldun established the concept of the quality of education from a civilized perspective that reveals the depth of vision and originality of his practice of education art. In this regard, he is considered the founder of the concept of the quality of education in the Arab and Islamic heritage.